In Apex its easy to create flash or HTML5-charts. I think in most circumstances this will satisfy the wishes of the customer. However, sometimes I just want more....
Anychart expects an XML file with all the data. On the website of Anychart you can find all the definitions of XML files and related charts. So you could generate the XML by yourself!
In Apex 3.1 is was possible to not just generate the type of charts provided by Oracle, but all the type of charts Anychart provided (column, cone, gauges, pyramids, etc, etc). As long as you where able to generate the correct XML file!
In Apex 4.x this no longer possible, Oracle modified the anychart-executable and you only have acces to a limited set of charts (bar, column, stacked). Unless you switch executables...., but that is not supported of course!
In apex 3,1 you also had the 32K limit. An XML file was limited to a 32K size and if you had a lot of data an error would occur.
In this 'example'(try-out) in Apex4.x I tried to pass the 32K barrier and tried to get a more generic solution for charts with a little bit more user influence.
create stored procedure to generate XML
Create a stored procedure(s) that generates the correct XML based on input-parameters.
htp.p('Cache-Control: no-cache');
htp.p('Pragma: no-cache');
htp.p('<anychart> ...
create a html region in Apex
Create a html region with the following source
<div id="chartDiv"></div>
create a dynamic action
Create a dynamic action (by example on page load)
chart = new AnyChart('#IMAGE_PREFIX#flashchart/anychart_6 /swf/OracleAnyChart.swf','#IMAGE_PREFIX#flashchart/anychart_6/swf/Preloader.swf');
chart.width = 800;
chart.height = 500;
var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APPLICATION_PROCESS=getxml',$v('pFlowStepId'));
ajaxRequest.addParam('x01', 'test');
ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get('HTML');
ajaxRequest = null;
create an on demand application process (getxml)
Create an application process (on-demand)(authorization not set or ....) which returns the xml by calling the stored procedure.
The limit of 32K is no longer there. The stored procedure is responsible for the layout, colors etc.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Restful services plsql database
To enable restful services from the database (apex) (not restfull services from regions) you must have configured apex listener 2.0 or the weblogic listener.
Enable RESTful services from database
1. Start sqlplus as sys in root-directory of apex
2. Unlock apex_public_user and give new password
3. execute @apex_rest_config
Set password for apex_rest_public_user and apex_listener (same as apex_public_user?)
4. alter user <schema-workspace> grant connect through apex_rest_public_user
Installation of Apex listener (linux)
1. download listener software
2. unpack zipfile
3. install java (if not available) JRE1.6
4. Go to apex-listener directory (apex.war)
5. Define configuration-directory (one level below current directory)
java - jar apex.war configdir $PWD/config
6. Start listener
java - jar apex.war
The first time all kind of configuration information is asked
a. hostname
b. database sid/service
c. port number database
d. location of static resources (path to the images of apex)
e. port http-server listener has to listen on
URL exampleservice
http://<host>:<port javalistener>/apex/<workspace>/hr/empinfo/
De service zal default naar '1-ste' schema gaan waar workspace aan gekoppeld is. Dit schema moet rechten hebben om om via rest-service nar buiten te gaan.
Als sys-user
alter user <> grant connect through apex_rest_public_user;
Generate XML/Json from database
To interact with external services XML or JSON format is necessary. It's not that hard to generate XML or JSON from the database.
,{"TEAM":"M3F1","CATEGORIE":"Jongste Jeugd"}]}
In Apex of course you can define a region as a webservice. This webservice returns JSON or XML.
Statement for xml
SELECT dbms_xmlgen.getxml ('SELECT team,categorie from FWD_TEAMS) XML
FROM dual;
Statement for JSON (in apex in on-demand-process?)
l_sql varchar2(200);
l_sql := 'SELECT team,categorie from fwd_teams';
{"row":[{"TEAM":"JD3","CATEGORIE":"Jeugd"},{"TEAM":"M3F1","CATEGORIE":"Jongste Jeugd"}]}
In Apex of course you can define a region as a webservice. This webservice returns JSON or XML.
Websockets and Apex
Websockets is a technology providing communication channels over TCP. It makes it possible to interact between server and browser, facilitating in live content. The browser doesn't have to contact the webserver (polling) as long as the connection is open. This technology could be used in monitoring applications. Instead of polling the database every x seconds/minutes a message is send to the browser when the content has changed.
A provider facilitating a push-service or creating one of your own.
- Create an account with
- Create a page with the following javascript included
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">Beacon.connect('*****', ['mychannel']);Beacon.listen(function (data) {if (data.message=='REFRESH') {gReport.pull();}else {alert(data.message);}});</script>
**** = Unique userid
This script shows an alert when the message is not 'REFRESH', else it refreshes
the Interactive report.
- At beaconpush generate a message : { "message": "REFRESH" }
- Create a databaseprocedure to trigger the message.
( p_text in varchar2
l_clob clob;
( p_url =>
, p_http_method => 'POST'
, p_body =>'{ "message":
"'||p_text||'" }'
This procedure accepts an varchar variable and sends it to beaconpush. The example
below will force the page with the javascript to refresh. Use different channels for different
below will force the page with the javascript to refresh. Use different channels for different
In oracle11 you maybe have to authorize the database to send messages to the external provider.
these ACL-Setting as SYS when you are in 11G
( acl => 'beaconConnectList.xml'
, description => 'Beaconpush ACL'
, principal => 'APEX_040100'
, is_grant => true
, privilege => 'connect'
, start_date => null
, end_date => null
( acl
=> 'beaconConnectList.xml'
, host
=> ''
, lower_port => null
, upper_port
=> null
Creating RESTful webservice in APEX
It's possible to create a report in Apex that works as a service.
To be able to define a webservice the administrator has to make a change in the default configuration of the apex workspace.
- Allow Restfull access
- Create region
- Modify attributes
- Define a static id for the region
- Enable Restful Access, the url will be shown
The url looks like this:
app = Application name/number
page = Pagenumber
reportid = Unique identifier report (defined at creation)
output = Format (XML or JSON)
parmvalues = additional parameters (value)
The value of <H01> will be assigned to the first itemof region
Use of multiple parameters:
First the values (comma seperated), than the items.
The values are assigned sequentially to the items of the report based on their (internal) ids.
So, H01 will be assigned to the item with the lowest ID and H02 will be assigned to the next item notwithstanding which region.
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